Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Double French

Hello Everyone,

Today I want to share a new tutorial with all of you. I call this one the double french and you will see what I mean by looking at the picture.

What I love mostly about this particular design is that anyone can wear it. It is fun but discreet enough that you can wear it to go to work.

Let's get started...

Supply List

*Base coat

*Base color polish (Orly Decades of Dysfunction)

*Glitter polish (OPI Gone Gonzo!)

*Thin tip polish (LA Colors Art Deco White)

*Top coat


*Acetone/ Nail polish remover

*Tape (Optional)

1) Clean nails, cut and file as you like

2) Add base coat and wait for it to dry (Only use if you are not using tape since tape will peal off the base coat).

3) Optional: Use tape to cover the top of the nail to create what is going to be the "french tip". This will avoid getting the base color on the tip.

You can free hand this if you like, just like i did.

4) Apply base color polish (two coats) wait in between coats.

Once the two coats have dried you can remove the tape if you used it and clean any smudges with a q-tip with acetone.

5) Apply the glitter polish to the unpainted top of the nail. You will need several coats depending on the polish you use.

Some glitter polish have a clear base with different color glitter and some have a tint to it besides the glitter.

6) Once you are happy with the amount of glitter on the tip wait for it to dry and apply one coat of top coat

You can stop here if you like how your nails look or add the white line to make it the double french

7) Make the white line right under the glitter part "carefully" so you dont go over the glitter which will cover it.

How to do the white line: Remove the excess white polish by moving the brush along the sides of the bottle. Hold the brush firmly, gently rotate your finger toward the brush while holding the brush still and advancing it slowly in the opposite direction that your finger is going. This will allow the brush to run along the nail in a straight line.

8) Wait for the white to dry.

9) Add two coats of top coat.

You are done.

If you have any requests or questions please leave them on the comments below. Also if you try any of the tutorials send me the link or picture to I would love to see them.



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